Poindexter DNA Project

Poingdestre, Poindestre, Poindexter, Pondexter, Pendexter, Puddister, Puddester

A. Introduction

1. Why Genetic Genealogy?

Genetic genealogy is the use of genealogical DNA tests, i.e., DNA profiling and DNA testing, in combination with traditional genealogical methods, to infer genetic relationships between individuals.

DNA tests can help you find family you didn't know, break through brick walls when paper records are scarce, and help trace your lineage through time. The use of DNA testing can help the family history researcher and organizations like the PDA by providing hints to someone's genealogy. In many cases, it can show that you are indeed descended from the family tree.

In addition, results from genealogical DNA testing from companies, such as the one the PDA uses (FamilyTreeDNA), provides the tester with DNA matches to others. DNA Matching is the process of sequencing your DNA and comparing it to the DNA of other people in a database. When a person with a significant amount of DNA that is identical to yours is found, that can indicate that you have a common ancestor.

2. What is a Group Project?

The PDA hosts a DNA Project group at FamilyTreeDNA (ftDNA). If you test with ftDNA, you can join our group when you log in online to your ftDNA account and following the link to add a group. By doing so, you enable our group administrator(s) to review your test results and consult with you about your matches to other people. Matches result from the ftDNA computers figuring out who you are related to from their very large database of test subjects.

Group Projects at FamilyTreeDNA offer many benefits, providing ways for their customers to work together with others of similar interests. You can belong to more than one project.

By agreeing to participate in a Group Project, you understand that:

  • Your participation in Group Projects is completely voluntary and is not required to use any of their products or services.
  • After requesting to join a project, no additional work is required to participate.
  • You may withdraw your participation at any time, but FamilyTreeDNA is not responsible for any information you have shared directly with Group Project Members or Administrators.

Please read ftDNA's Group Project Participation Informed Consent document prior to choosing to participate in a Group Project.

Membership in the PDA is not required to participate in our DNA project. Please consider the benefits of membership at membership.poindexterfamily.org


B. DNA Tests Available from FamilyTreeDNA

1. Paternal Ancestry with the Y-DNA kit (Male-specific test)

Y DNA flowchartThis test is for biological men only. For our project, that means men named Poingdestre, Poindexter, Pendexter, Puddester and other spelling variations, or for men who believe they might be a direct male-to-male (following the Y chromosome) descendant of someone by that name but somewhere along the line a different surname was adopted.

Y-DNA testing is a type of genetic testing that analyzes the Y chromosome, which is passed down exclusively from fathers to their sons. Because the Y chromosome is passed down relatively unchanged from generation to generation, Y-DNA testing can help trace paternal lineages and identify genetic cousins who share a common paternal ancestor.

Here are a few ways Y-DNA testing can be useful for genealogy research:

  • Tracing surname origins: Because surnames are usually passed down from fathers to their sons, Y-DNA testing can help trace the origins of a particular surname. By testing the Y-DNA of multiple men with the same surname, researchers can identify genetic cousins who share a common paternal ancestor and potentially pinpoint the geographic origin of the surname.
  • Identifying distant cousins: Y-DNA testing can also help identify genetic cousins who are several generations removed from a common ancestor. By comparing the Y-DNA of two individuals, researchers can estimate how many generations have passed since their common ancestor, and potentially identify previously unknown family connections.
  • Confirming relationships: Y-DNA testing can also be used to confirm relationships between individuals who are suspected to be related. For example, if two men share the same surname and have similar Y-DNA profiles, it's likely that they share a common paternal ancestor.

It's worth noting that Y-DNA testing is limited to tracing paternal lineages and may not provide much information about maternal lineages or relationships with female ancestors. Additionally, because the Y chromosome is only passed down from fathers to their sons, Y-DNA testing is only useful for tracing direct male-line ancestors. However, for individuals who are interested in tracing their paternal lineage or surname history, Y-DNA testing can be a valuable tool.

Source: chatGPT

The Y chromosome (Y-DNA) is a DNA structure found in the nucleus of a male cell (biological females do not receive a Y chromosome from their father, they receive the X chromosome). Y-DNA passes almost unchanged from biological male to their male offspring. This was our intial focus when we started working with DNA and have found very interesting revelations. With it, we have confirmed the paper trail for some, for others we have helped suggest where to look for the paper trail, and in a few cases, welcomed men to the group that didn't know they were directly descended from our family tree.

If you buy a Y-DNA test kit from FamilyTreeDNA, please order the Y-111 test at minimum. The 67 marker test will determine which Poindexter family your descend from, but the 111 markers may help to determine which branch in that family. The Big Y test might be useful in yiur research.

View the Y-DNA Results of our project.

2. Family Ancestry with the FamilyFinder DNA kit (males and females)

Autosomal flow chartFamily Finder is an autosomal DNA test that provides powerful interactive tools to help find your DNA matches, trace your lineage through time, and determine family connections.

Autosomal DNA testing is a type of genetic testing that analyzes DNA from the 22 pairs of chromosomes that are not involved in determining a person's sex (i.e., not the X or Y chromosomes). Autosomal DNA testing can provide valuable information for genealogy research, particularly for identifying relationships between individuals within the last few hundred years.

Autosomal DNA testing can help with genealogy in several ways:

  • Finding cousins and other relatives: Autosomal DNA testing can help you identify living relatives who share DNA with you. By comparing your DNA with that of other people in a database, you can find matches who are likely to be related to you within a certain number of generations. This can help you build out your family tree and connect with distant cousins.
  • Confirming relationships: Autosomal DNA testing can help you confirm relationships between individuals who are already suspected to be related. For example, if you have a family tree that suggests two people are second cousins, autosomal DNA testing can help confirm that relationship by showing that they share the expected amount of DNA.
  • Identifying unknown ancestors: Autosomal DNA testing can also help identify unknown ancestors, particularly in cases where traditional genealogical research has hit a dead end. By identifying DNA matches that are not yet connected to your family tree, you may be able to identify ancestors who were previously unknown.

It's worth noting that autosomal DNA testing is just one tool in the genealogist's toolkit, and it's important to use it in conjunction with other sources of information, such as historical records and family stories. Additionally, it's important to understand the limitations of autosomal DNA testing, such as the fact that it can only identify relationships within a certain number of generations and that it can't always identify specific ancestors.

To broaden your matches, your siblings and cousins should also test autosomal DNA. The more samples you have, the more likely you are to find people that match them but not you. Why? See this demo from Ancestry.com.

Men and women can order this test kit. The Family Finder test may help you find others that may be related to you within several generations:

  • Get a percentage breakdown of your origins and view where each DNA segment comes from
  • Connect with your autosomal DNA relatives within the last 5 generations
  • Learn if you have a connection with ancient European groups
  • Compare matching segments of DNA (blocks) with your genetic matches

If you have an autosomal DNA kit at another company (such as Ancestry.com, MyHeritage or 23 and Me), you can download the raw data from from your kit and upload it to your kit at ftDNA instead of ordering a new test kit from ftDNA. The cost is reduced as ftDNA doesn't have to mail you a kit and process the results. However, there may be small fee to unlock all the FamilyFinder tools. This does not apply to Y-DNA or mtDNA tests as the other companies do not test these markers.

  • Follow the DNA export directions for your test kit. For example, Ancestry.com
  • Directions to upload that data to FamilyTreeDNA


3. Maternal Ancestry with the mtDNA test (males and females)

mtDNA flowchartmtDNA is passed down from biological females to their male and female offspring.

The mtDNA test is a type of genetic test that analyzes mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down from mothers to their children. Because mtDNA is passed down relatively unchanged from generation to generation, mtDNA testing can be used to trace maternal lineages and identify genetic cousins who share a common maternal ancestor.

Here are a few ways that mtDNA testing can be useful for genealogy research:

  • Tracing maternal lineages: Because mtDNA is passed down exclusively through the maternal line, mtDNA testing can help trace a person's direct maternal lineage. By testing the mtDNA of multiple individuals in the same maternal lineage, researchers can identify genetic cousins who share a common maternal ancestor.
  • Identifying distant cousins: Like other types of genetic testing, mtDNA testing can be used to identify genetic cousins who are several generations removed from a common ancestor. By comparing the mtDNA of two individuals, researchers can estimate how many generations have passed since their common ancestor and potentially identify previously unknown family connections.
  • Confirming maternal relationships: mtDNA testing can also be used to confirm relationships between individuals who are suspected to be related maternally. For example, if two individuals share the same maternal lineage and have similar mtDNA profiles, it's likely that they share a common maternal ancestor.

It's worth noting that mtDNA testing is limited to tracing maternal lineages and may not provide much information about paternal lineages or relationships with male ancestors. Additionally, because mtDNA is passed down exclusively through the maternal line, mtDNA testing is only useful for tracing direct maternal-line ancestors. However, for individuals who are interested in tracing their maternal lineage, mtDNA testing can be a valuable tool.

Source: chatGPT

While both males and females inherit mtDNA, only biological females can continue to pass on mtDNA. mtDNA testing can help you discover and verify your direct maternal ancestry by connecting you with other individuals who are descendants of a shared common matrilineal ancestor.

Explore your heritage on your maternal line and find others that match with your mtDNA. Mitochondrial DNA (mt DNA) is the small circular chromosome found inside mitochondria. The mitochondria are organelles found in cells that are the sites of energy production. The mitochondria, and thus mitochondrial DNA, are passed from mother to her offspring.

4. For the widest possible matches

If your goal is to find as many "cousins" as you can, we suggest males order all three kits, and females order the Family Finder and mtDNA tests.


C. Order Your DNA Test Kits and Join Our Project

1. Purchase Your DNA Kits

You may order your kit at FamilyTreeDNA.com. The kit includes swabs, tubes and return envelope. Kits can be ordered online from many countries (some countries may limit or prohibit DNA testing or returning kits by mail). Watch for sales to save some cash. If you have questions about which tests are right for you, you may ask our administrator by email at dna@poindexterfamily.org

2. Log into your kit, join the Poindexter DNA Project, and change preferences

Upon ordering a test kit, you will receive an email from familytreedna.com with your Kit Number and temporary password.

  1. Log in using your kit number as your username.
  2. Consider changing your temporary password to something you can remember.
  3. Locate the "Group Projects" section and click on "Join a Project".
    1. Search for "Poindexter" and request to join our project.
    2. The project administrator will receive an email and will accept your request.
  4. We suggest you change some of your settings for your test kit to allow matching and allow our group administrator a higher level of access to your test results and matches to better answer your questions: follow these instructions.

D. Miscellaneous

1. View our DNA Project Page at FamilyTreeDNA

Click here to view charts comparing members' results graphically as provided by FamilyTreeDNA. Included is a chart comparing Y results of our group members (names are kept private). This chart shows our subgroupings for each set of DNA results of males using the Poingdestre, Poindexter, Pendexter or Puddester surname. Each group is a distinct group of males that are related to others in the group.

2. Donate to the Project

If you want to help others to purchase the Y-DNA test, you can now donate to the project. The PDA will apply your donation to someone's test who otherwise could not afford to do the test and we believe that person's test could add to our knowledge.

Donate here.

3. Questions?

If you have questions, please contact our project administrator (Jamie Poindexter) at dna@poindexterfamily.org

4. Learn more about Genetic Genealogy from these web sites

5. Expand your own DNA research using GEDmatch

Comprehensive solutions for genetic genealogy and family tree research. This is a web site where you can upload your raw DNA data from any DNA testing company to find matches with people who used one or more company. Now you can find matches with those who didn't use a FamilyTreeDNA test kit. You can also upload your family tree GedCom from Ancestry, FamilySearch, MyHeritage, Geanet or other tree building web site or software.

GEDmatch doesn't sell DNA testing kits. It is a place you can upload your ftDNA kit data and find matches with others who purchased kits from other DNA testing companies.

Create an account at GEDmatch

Download your DNA test kit data from

Download your existing family tree from



Connect with the PDA
Email: info@poindexterfamily.orgopen a new email

Have questions about the PDA?

Send us an email. It's the best way to contact us.


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